Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Criteria Vice President , PDIP Listen Put DPD
Deputy Secretary General Indonenesia Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDIP ) , Hasto Kristiyanto , said he would listen to the input of the Regional Leadership Council ( DPD ) associated with the criteria of a vice presidential candidate who will accompany alias Joko Widodo Jokowi . Enter the regional board , said Hasto , will be submitted to the Chairman of Megawati Sukarnoputri as consideration choosing a running mate .

" Certainly , we will summarize the input of DPD DPD , " said Hasto when contacted Monday, April 28, 2014 . Accordance input from local officials , the exact criteria for a vice presidential candidate who has a good track record and clean from corruption . Hasto said vice presidential candidate also understands the ideology of Pancasila .
( Read: cara membuat facebook )

In addition , he said, the vice presidential candidate must also be able to add the votes in elections next July 9 and have a good electability . Jokowi vice presidential candidate is also expected to work closely with the president and establish a presidential system .

Happenings from internal and external parties , Hasto can not convey . " As we await the national political situation and the vote first," he said . PDI-P awaits the results of seats in the legislature . ( Read also : Jokowi Vice President Appears on Twitter )

Hasto predict obtained PDIP voice in the General Election Commission will be lower than the data belongs . The seat is also reduced with the increase of the estimated denominator voters in some areas .

" There is a systematic , coordinated operation and commanded to inflate a particular group , " said Hasto . Because of this , PDIP choose to wait before declaring the results of recapitulation vice presidential candidate .


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