Sunday, April 20, 2014

Most of the Valley of the Parliament Building devoured Si Jago Merah

The fire burned most of the local parliament Lebak , Sunday ( 20/4 ) night . Sources of ignition spark from a short circuit is suspected because AC power installed in the main building .

Natma , janitor Valley Council , said at the time the middle of touring around the building . He saw there were sparks from the cooling room , from where the fire then spread to the main building electrical installations Parliament Lebak it .
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"The clock was 19:00 pm , I saw sparks from the air , and then the fire spread to the cable . There is a small explosion , fire burn new loudspeakers that were on the wall , " teturnya .

As a result of the burning of the building, causing some benches main room on fire . And the former black smoke visible sticking around the wall , and a lot of electrical wiring installations chipped a result of the surge AC .

" Tau - tau there was a fire , I immediately ran to the guardhouse report , if there is a fire . Along with our municipal police try to extinguish the fire , nearly half an hour can put out the fire " continued Natma .

In order to further investigation , the local police who came to localized First Genesis ( TKP ) was sealing the burning chamber .

Meanwhile , the Regent of Lebak Iti Ocktavia Jayabaya explain some of the equipment is damaged by fire . " There's damage to 1 unit AC , infocus 1 unit , and 7 Fruit seat . Alhamdulillah it's been handled , " said Iti .


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