Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Criteria Vice President , PDIP Listen Put DPD
Deputy Secretary General Indonenesia Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDIP ) , Hasto Kristiyanto , said he would listen to the input of the Regional Leadership Council ( DPD ) associated with the criteria of a vice presidential candidate who will accompany alias Joko Widodo Jokowi . Enter the regional board , said Hasto , will be submitted to the Chairman of Megawati Sukarnoputri as consideration choosing a running mate .

" Certainly , we will summarize the input of DPD DPD , " said Hasto when contacted Monday, April 28, 2014 . Accordance input from local officials , the exact criteria for a vice presidential candidate who has a good track record and clean from corruption . Hasto said vice presidential candidate also understands the ideology of Pancasila .
( Read: cara membuat facebook )

In addition , he said, the vice presidential candidate must also be able to add the votes in elections next July 9 and have a good electability . Jokowi vice presidential candidate is also expected to work closely with the president and establish a presidential system .

Happenings from internal and external parties , Hasto can not convey . " As we await the national political situation and the vote first," he said . PDI-P awaits the results of seats in the legislature . ( Read also : Jokowi Vice President Appears on Twitter )

Hasto predict obtained PDIP voice in the General Election Commission will be lower than the data belongs . The seat is also reduced with the increase of the estimated denominator voters in some areas .

" There is a systematic , coordinated operation and commanded to inflate a particular group , " said Hasto . Because of this , PDIP choose to wait before declaring the results of recapitulation vice presidential candidate .


Monday, April 28, 2014

Interlace Communications, Rhoma Irama Say Salam to Jokowi

Presidential candidate of the National Awakening Party ( PKB ) Rhoma Irama claimed to establish communication with the various political parties. Including to the candidate of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDIP ) , Joko Widodo .

" We only political communication with various parties, but in great detail what it was like , it can not be delivered , as did I say hello to Jokowi , well I guess what is related to the nation , sharing opinions is important for the progress of the nation , " he said in Jakarta Monday ( 28/4 ) .
( Read: cara beternak burung lovebird )

Previously , presidential candidate of the National Awakening Party ( PKB ) , Rhoma Irama denied rumors stating that he resign or be removed from the stock exchange 's presidential candidacy in the upcoming presidential election .

" The issue was that not true retreat I quit pencapresan , yesterday my friends from scholars habaib is holding press conference that if the CBA is no longer mencapreskan Rhoma or be mencawapreskan wrote then asked to withdraw their support of the CBA , " he said .

According to him , he had met with the Chairman of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar ( Cak Imin ) . During the meeting Cak Imin still committed to offer anything to him as the vice presidential candidate and so is not really the name Rhoma removed from pencapresan , " he said .

Related Muhaimin Iskandar is carried by a vice president of the CLA , he expressed that it is merely a political communications and there is no political agreement . " And that there is a discourse coalition of Islamic parties that only a political communication , " he said .


PC Games More Profitable Than Console

Many think that the producers of PC gaming revenue was less than a gaming console . But analysts do not think this one , he believes the PC is more profitable .

In the past , when the price of supporting components in a PC game is still fairly expensive , a lot of gamers who choose to play on a console . They do not need to bother thinking about the specification or the other , just enter the game ready to play fragment .

But according to David Cole , owner of the market analyst DFC Intelligence agency , when this condition has begun to turn around . The console is fairly expensive and not as a necessity , while the PC has become a mandatory item . For computer games are now already not ' hungry ' specifications .
( Read: suara burung )

" There are some players who are now still play PC games even though they already have a console , it would mean a lot more PC users , " Cole said , as quoted by The Escapist and quoted on Monday ( 28/04/2014 ) .

Further Cole also mentions several examples of successful games earned revenues without requiring large upscale computer specifications .

" Game Multiplayer online battle arena ( MOBA ) like League of Legends and Dota 2 most dominating than any game , " claims Cole .

With the whole reason that Cole believes that the total revenue to be scooped by the manufacturer can be larger than the game console . Well , stay the industry players who have smart plays their strategy .


Sunday, April 27, 2014

28-4-1945 : Tragic End of Dictator Mussolini

In the past 69 years , Benito Mussolini and several followers of fascist shot by Italian partisans . Italian dictator 's execution to be one important stage for the final phase of the Second World War in Europe .

According to History.com , Mussolini and his girlfriend , Clara Pettaci , as well as a number of successful followers partisan fighters ambushed when they will run away from Italy . After being shot to death , their bodies were paraded in public in the Piazzale Loreto , Milan City .
( Read: cara membuat blog terbaru )

Founded the National Fascist Party , Mussolini ruled Italy from 1922 until the removal from power in 1943 . During the reign , Mussolini's Fascist regime implemented a policy of nationalism , expansionism , antisosialisme , and launched a vigorous propaganda and censorship of the things that are considered subversive .
Mussolini's execution of a blow to the Nazis in Germany . Known as " Il Duce " ( the leader ) , the Italian dictator who died at age 61 years was the main ally of Adolf Hitler , who started the war defeat by the Allied invasion and the Soviet Union to Germany in early 1945 .

During the Second World War , Nazi Germany's coalition with the leadership of Mussolini's fascist regime known as the Axis camp , which is rampant in Europe to North Africa . However , since winning the war in North Africa , Allied forces led da UK managed to get into the Italian peninsula and directly pushed into the spaghetti State .

On the other hand , Mussolini's fascist regime was also met with resistance from leftist partisans . They want to prosecute war criminals Mussolini . Thus , there is no choice other than to Mussolini and his followers fled from Italy .

However , on the way to the Swiss border , they know that the border guards had defected to the partisans . Mussolini then tried to disguise as a German military officer who would cross into Austria .

Efforts Mussolini and his followers were not successful . Capture and direct partisans shot them dead on the spot. With trucks , the bodies of Mussolini and his followers were taken to Milan and hung upside down to be displayed to the public .


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Burned Office, Samsung Service Could tumbles

There was an error in the smartphone , tablet , or Samsung's Smart TV on Sunday ( 4/20/2014 ) ago ? Most owners of Samsung gadgets in various parts of the world are also experiencing the same thing .

Today 's service - including Samsung's main site Samsung.com - it had fallen . The reason is the large fires that hit the building owned by Samsung SDS in Gwacheon , South Korea .

As reported by Phone Arena , the fire began to be seen on Sunday afternoon ( South Korea time ) on the fourth floor of the building in question , where the Samsung store the data center for backup purposes .

As a result , Samsung services related to credit cards collapsed and displays an error message for a couple of hours before returning recovered about 19:15 pm South Korean time .

Although from the outside it looks quite large , fires not to cause casualties . Only one person working from a third party reported injured .

Samsung's main data center is located in another area and not affected by the incident . It is not clear why the fire at one location could have broad impact to a Samsung service worldwide .
( Read: pleci gacor )

The fire was filmed by a local TV station South Korea , as can be seen in the video below .


Monday, April 21, 2014

SBY-Ical Will Meet to Discuss Coalition

DPP Chairman of Golkar Party Hajriyanto Y Thohari said , in the near future the party will have a meeting with Democrats to discuss the possibility of a coalition in the upcoming presidential election . The meeting will be conducted by Golkar chairman Bakrie and Chairman of the Democratic Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono .

"Can not we mungkiri that SBY factors could also be key in the presidential election this time , because there are many people who believe in the credibility of an SBY , " said Hajriyanto in Parliament Complex in Senayan , Jakarta , Monday ( 04/21/2014 ) .

Hajriyanto could not confirm the exact time of the meeting . Only , it sure would be implemented in this week . In addition to trying to approach the Democratic Party , Hajriyanto also admitted that it had approached Hanura , PKS , and the National Awakening Party .

" That would have been very close , so that 's three . With Democrats hope talks can produce a positive thing , " said Vice Chairman of the Assembly .

Based on a quick count in the 2014 legislative elections , no political party can carry the presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate without a coalition . In the Law on Election of President , the threshold pengusungan -vice presidential candidate that is 20 percent of the House seats or 25 percent of valid votes nationwide .
( Read: anis merah bakalan )

Golkar still be carrying the Bakrie as candidate , despite rejection in the internal . As for the Democratic presidential convention will still be completed to determine the winner .


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Most of the Valley of the Parliament Building devoured Si Jago Merah

The fire burned most of the local parliament Lebak , Sunday ( 20/4 ) night . Sources of ignition spark from a short circuit is suspected because AC power installed in the main building .

Natma , janitor Valley Council , said at the time the middle of touring around the building . He saw there were sparks from the cooling room , from where the fire then spread to the main building electrical installations Parliament Lebak it .
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"The clock was 19:00 pm , I saw sparks from the air , and then the fire spread to the cable . There is a small explosion , fire burn new loudspeakers that were on the wall , " teturnya .

As a result of the burning of the building, causing some benches main room on fire . And the former black smoke visible sticking around the wall , and a lot of electrical wiring installations chipped a result of the surge AC .

" Tau - tau there was a fire , I immediately ran to the guardhouse report , if there is a fire . Along with our municipal police try to extinguish the fire , nearly half an hour can put out the fire " continued Natma .

In order to further investigation , the local police who came to localized First Genesis ( TKP ) was sealing the burning chamber .

Meanwhile , the Regent of Lebak Iti Ocktavia Jayabaya explain some of the equipment is damaged by fire . " There's damage to 1 unit AC , infocus 1 unit , and 7 Fruit seat . Alhamdulillah it's been handled , " said Iti .


Friday, April 18, 2014

Ask not to Gerindra Vice President, PPP Rated Know Yourself

Political observers of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences ( LIPI ) Word Noor judge , the United Development Party ( PPP ) enough to know themselves in a coalition with Gerindra . PPP states do not require candidates for the position of vice president ( vice ) to accompany the presidential candidate of the Gerindra , Prabowo .

" PPP quite know themselves as compared to the other party , he contributed a small voice . So baseball is too ngoyo to add a running mate , " Word said when contacted on Friday ( 18/04/2014 ) .

In addition to not ask for the position of vice president , PPP Chairman Suryadharma Ali ( SDA ) also stated this coalition does not require giving out seats minister . According to the Word , Suryadharma to dispel the notion that all this time he just puts personal interests .

" He wants to impress the PPP as a coalition of Islamic parties have considered avoiding anggapa ngototnya SDA to get a seat , " said Word .

According to the Word becomes a natural thing if Prabowo will continue to provide seats for the PPP . Therefore , from the beginning , Gerindra has offered power -sharing coalition .

As reported , the official stated Gerindra coalition with the PPP . It was announced Suryadharma during a joint press conference at the office of PPP Prabowo , on Friday afternoon .
( Read: burung cucak ijo jantan )

Suryadharma said the PPP fully supports Prabowo as 2014 candidates . He also said that , in this coalition , PPP does not require the position of vice president and secretary positions . " This support is sincerity , not transactional , " said Suryadharma .


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Overcome Human Trafficking , RI Attempting to Protect Workers

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold a workshop tekait human protection . The activity was intended to discuss the case of human smuggling that continues to bloom .

The workshop entitled " The Protection of Irregular Movement of Persons at Sea " . Indonesia and approximately 13 other countries participated in the meeting in Jakarta, 21 April 2014 .

According to a report every year an increase in human smuggling case in sea areas . In 2013 occurred approximately 10 thousand victims of human trafficking .

To overcome these problems Indonesia with 13 Bali Process member countries will cooperate to protect workers at sea .
see alsovitamin burung murai )

"Indonesia is considered in addressing the issue can not be done alone . So there should be cooperation to carry out protection measures , " said the Director General of Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Hasan Kleib , Jakarta , Thursday ( 17/04/2014 ) .

The event will be attended by representatives of the UNSCR and Hasan Kleib and Director of International Security and Disarmament ( KIPS ) Andy Rachmianto as a resource .

The workshop will be held at Gedung Pancasila , Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 21 April 2014 as a follow-up meeting of the Bali Process in 2013 . Indonesia hopes the results of the workshop can provide a recommendation to make the protection of labor .


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Proposal to boost income residents Kulwaru with dirt Cattle

Most of the villagers Kulwaru Wetan , Kulon Progo raise cattle . Thus , cow dung produced was abundant and thrown away . Though the waste can be converted into useful organic fertilizer to nourish plants even bring in additional revenue .

Together with students from the University of Gadjah Mada ( UGM) in Yogyakarta incorporated in the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences , Local Committee ( LC IAAS ) UGM , Kulwaru villagers utilize and transform the cow dung to beneficial for organic agricultural products .

Rahardjo Trisnanto agricultural practitioners who accompanied IAAS LC UGM reveal , organic compost made ​​because of the abundance of cow manure in the village Kulwaru Wetan , Kulon Progo . With the abundance of such waste , the public is expected to be able to take advantage of that village Kulwaru towards organic farming village .
( Read: cara mudah download video youtube )

" The number of cow dung is naturally abundant can be used to support organic farming . We invite residents and strives to integrate all activities by utilizing agricultural waste for cattle feed plants and vice versa , " said Trisnanto , as quoted from page UGM , Wednesday ( 16 / 4/2014 ) .

In these activities , IAAS LC UGM held counseling and hands- organic fertilizer utilize cow manure waste . In addition , villagers Kulwaru Wetan got the knowledge and practice direct way of making organic liquid fertilizer from cow urine .

" Prices are expensive liquid fertilizer into the background of the idea to create their own liquid organic fertilizer in order to meet the needs of farmers in Kulwaru . Fact IAAS LC UGM with Kulwaru villagers plan to create a program for the marketing of organic compost and liquid organic fertilizer to the market , " he explained .

Liquid Organic Fertilizer Production Activity Village Community Kulwaru with IAAS LC UGM begins by practicing direct liquid organic fertilizer . The combined fertilizer of cow urine , galangal , turmeric , ireng , ginger , kencur , brotowali , molasses , and bacteria Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

Once through the process of fermentation for two weeks , then the organic compost ready to be used for village communities Kulwaru Wetan . These activities also received a positive response from the village head Kulwaru , Imam Hudoyono .

" Making organic fertilizer between GMU students and villagers Kulwaru prove cooperation with the world of education can be applied directly in the community by creating quality organic fertilizer products , " said Imam .

Meanwhile, the Local Committee Director of IAAS LC UGM Travelia Febrin hope , composting of organic waste processed cow manure can be utilized farming community , especially residents Kulwaru Wetan , Kulon Progo . So the future Village Kulwaru could be one of the pilot organic farm in the gudeg City .

" Making fertilizer is expected not only for a moment , but so as to make the village sustainable Kulwaru organic farming as a pilot village in Yogyakarta , " said Travelia .


New Government Expected to Fix Infrastructure

Aromatic Industry Association , Olefin and Plastic ( INAplas ) has urged the new government to continue the policies that have been made ​​by the current government . One thing that needs to be fixed is the infrastructure to support the plastics industry nationwide .

" For the government , the new president , should continue ( the current policy ) , if you need to sharpen again including supporting infrastructure , " said Budi Susanto Sadiman , Vice Chairman of the Business Development INAplas ( Association of Industrial Aromatic , Olefin and Plastic ) in Jakarta , Wednesday ( 16.04.2014 ) .

Budi said the government is very supportive of the national plastic industry . According to him , there are no policies and rules that make employers engaged in plastic .

" The government is very cooperative , even some of the facility , built by the ministry of industry , " he said .

Budi admit , at first there is a problem of coordination in some ministry . However , these problems can be overcome .
(see also: makanan burung kenari )

"I guess , quite frankly, because we saw that our friend 's apartment in the Ministry of Industry and Research and Technology , was the first problem is the problem of coordinating cooperation . , But now it is better , for example the mining law , that if not supported by all parties, even Parliament . was definitely going to be sealed by mine operators , " he said .


Monday, April 14, 2014

KPAI oversee the implementation of the National Examination

National Exam ( UN ) to the level of high school ( SMA ) held simultaneously throughout Indonesia , beginning Monday ( 14 / 04 ) morning .
A number of parties , such as the police , the university , as well as the Indonesian Child Protection Commission , KPAI , directly involved in the supervision of the UN.

Education and Culture Minister Muhammad Nuh before the UN to ensure that high school and equivalent , 14 to 16 April 2014 will not leak .
" Opportunity is no leak , no cheating just because there are 20 students in the class receive 20 different matter , " said Muhammad Nuh while doing spot checks to SMAN 70 Jakarta .

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on his Twitter account saying : " Keep the spirit for the children of students who run the National Exam . Hopefully get a satisfactory result . "

Meanwhile , the Indonesian Child Protection Commission , KPAI , starting Monday ( 14 / 04 ) morning have to supervise the implementation of the UN high level in some areas .
" In general , there is no specific offense in the UN , " said Chairman of the UN supervision KPAI , Susan , told the BBC's Indonesian , Heyder Affan , Monday afternoon .

Case in Pemalang
So far , the new KPAI received a report of a high school in Pemalang , Central Java , which mentions one of his students barred from the UN because " breaking the school rules . "

Against the Pemalang origin students , KPAI prepared two options . First , the UN is concerned can follow the next day . The second option , supplementary exams held one or two weeks later .
( see also: obat burung biar gacor )

In addition to directly supervise , KPAI opened a post complaints .
UN schedule of the school year 2013/2014 to the level of SMA / MA , SMK / MAK , and SMALB held on 14-16 April 2014 .
As for the national exam junior level , MTs , and SMPLB held on 5-8 May 2014 to come.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Leaked Document Reveals 5 Reasons the HTC One (M8) Better than the Galaxy S5

HTC once again claiming that its new flagship smartphone is better than the Samsung Galaxy S5 . This time , HTC claims the judge champion better revealed by a leaked document ' training ' for the sales force in the United States .

As reported by Android and Me , there are at least 5 reasons to mention if the HTC One ( M8 ) is better than the Galaxy S5 .

In the first sequence again insinuating Samsung HTC smartphones because of its superior still wrapped in plastic material , not as One ( M8 ) clad metal material more premium . Two powerful speaker on the front is also claimed to be the reason why HTC smartphones hers better .
(see also: Waptrick Situs Download)

In addition , HTC ( M8 ) is claimed to be used with one hand plus have faster access . HTC One ( M8 ) also claimed to be the first smartphone to come with the duo camera with graphic effects . Recently the HTC Advantage , One ( M8 ) is claimed to be offering a lot more value .

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Not to forget the HTC also includes a variety of great features that are offered One ( M8 ) in the leaked documents , such as Zoe Highlights , BlinkFeed HTC , HTC Sense TV , and so forth .


Because Disadvantaged, Tasmania Will Apply 12 Year Basic Education

Tasmania has been left behind in education compared to other states in Australia . Now , local government will initiate the first step to implement the 12 -year basic education .

12 -year basic education is an education system that requires students complete their education up to grade 12 or equivalent with a grade 3 high school . During this time in Tasmania , this is only a basic education up to grade 11 or grade 2 high school .

Tasmanian Education Minister Jeremy Rockliff this week asked all 28 state high schools to take part of this program .

It is estimated , the addition of this class of 12 would cost 45.5 million dollars (USD 455 billion ) in the next four years.
(see also: lomba burung love bird)

Rockliff explained , the four high school classes will begin applying the 12 early next year .
Tasmanian Government , he said , has allocated $ 6 million for the addition of five classrooms and recruit new teachers for the fourth MSMU .
Currently in Tasmania , only 67 per cent of Grade 10 students who went to Grade 11 .

Kathy Davis of the Association of Principals welcomed the addition of the 12 classes . " Students who complete Year 12 have the option of a better future , " he said recently .


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Inspiration Yamaha Young London Netprenuer Degree Online Competition

London prepared childbirth education Netprenuer reliable than the results given Yamaha . Competition Champion Netprenuer way done at this time as stock Yamaha Netprenuer spawn .

Bandung city so 3rd convening the workshop roadshow Yamaha Champions Netprenuer after Jakarta and Medan . After that go to Yogyakarta (April 10 ) , Surabaya (16 April) and Bali (26 April) . In Bandung Digital Valley Startup Incubator , ( March 26 ) , 100 Flower City fully stocked workshop participants seemed enthusiastic to join the event .
At the Yamaha Champions Workshop in Bandung netpreneur this time the participants who are mostly business people who want to develop their business through the Internet , enthusiastically followed the whole event took place . They were equipped with knowledge about internet marketing that has been delivered at the workshop and is hoping to undergo total in the competition held Netprenuer Yamaha and iPaymu this time .

" Events like this should be held more often and really helped me who really want to develop my online business to be even better " said Ariesta which is one of the participants of the Yamaha Champions netpreneur in Bandung .
Competition Champion Netprenuer collaboration with online business tools iPaymu , lakubgt.com and larisbgt.com . There, the participants can be businesses that sell products. The event takes place from March to September 2014, with a total prize of Rp 50 million . Yamaha is expected to inspire the birth of new netpreneur and making e - commerce more robust and growing Indonesian .

The event was filled by pikukuh Tutuko as CEO iPaymu which gives a general view of Indonesian e -commerce ; Bramantya Farid ( Founder seoacademy.com ) introduces a wide range of tools that can provide a significant impact on sales conversions are lakubgt.com and larisbgt.com and last speaker was Ilham Taufiq ( Socmed SEO Specialist ) were discussed on how to work lakubgt.com and larisbgt.com .

" We want to provide support for young children to create their own employment (entrepreneurship ) , especially young graduates are productive and global perspective . The way through the competition by providing tools Netprenuer in digital media that can be used to advance their business , " said Eko Prabowo , GM Promotion & Community Development Yamaha Indonesia .

As a well established company that is growing rapidly , Yamaha has a myriad of science that has been proven to promote his business . This two-wheeler automobile manufacturer has also spawned a reliable employees who work in the company's internal .
One of the most prominent social media from Yamaha is the leader among the so lainnya.Facebook Yamaha Indonesian automotive company has the most fans and Twitter followers . In addition , gait Yamaha also often named as the best in Social Media Award . And its products are often so Trending Topic World and Indonesia .

How Following Netprenuer Yamaha Competition
Participants must have an account iPaymu to be able to accept online payments on lakubgt.com and larisbgt.com . Then go to the website www.yamahajawara.com and must fill out the registration form and choose the social commerce or e - commerce ecosystem that has been provided , may select one or more platforms .

If you already have a website online store itself , should integrate iPaymu iPaymu on the website so that the participants can emerge as a payment option on the website participants . From the platform has been selected , do the accounts to every platform . And confirm your account in www.yamahajawara.com / confirmation . (see also: pakan burung kenari)

Terms assessment is based on the continuity of the transaction rather than the amount of the transaction . Items that can be traded digital products as well as goods and must not contain pornographic , porn action , gambling and SARA .


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

IPhone Screen 6 Starts Production in may?

According to a report Apple's supply chain sources say that the iPhone 6 screen has a diagonal of 4.7 inches which will go into mass production began in May 2014.

Reporting from phonearena , it is quite reasonable . Given some companies screen suppliers in Japan , namely LG Display and Sharp will begin production assembly lines for the iPhone 6 screen from each factory . (see also: situs download game android)

Since the iPhone 5 , Apple has used cell slim touchscreen technology , which enables the company to make the iPhone screen is thinner , with a much better level of responsibility . The problem with using the cell production process with a larger display screen , supposedly forcing Apple to switch to film censorship .

Previously many people are predicting that Apple will establish partnerships with other companies in Japan , such as the Panasonic . But from the reports of the local Japanese newspaper , Nikkei , reported that Apple have reached an agreement of cooperation relationships in the production of the iPhone 6 screen with LG Display and Sharp . And soon the screen production process began in May 2014.
(see also: video clip download)

But so far the Sharp , LG Display and Apple did not specify how much the iPhone 6 screen quota is pegged Apple at the beginning of production .
